Sunday, July 19, 2015

Email from June 1, 2015

So this week was a good one! we put baptismal dates for the family Perez yasso. I really enjoy visiting them and always it´s a pleasure to teach them. The only problem is that it´s a fairly big family and it´s hard to teach for understanding for every single family member. But God works miracles so I´m not worried. I really enjoy being with my new companion he has a real want to work and we have accomplished a lot with what we have. We worked without planners all week long. It was a little bit of a struggle but we managed. We found a guy named Emilio and he is a GREAT guy! He has been really receptive and after one time in church he has expressed a little interest in getting baptized. I have never heard of another story more escogido in my entire life.

At investigators house. He has tons of records

So this week in my studies I have concluded there are a couple things that we need to fulfill something from God. First it´s faith, We have to begin somewhere. second we need to be worthy. I like to compare all this to electrical power. God has infinite power so we can do anything through him. It all depends on us. So let´s imagine a battery with a little outlet. First we need to use some faith and plug it in. Then we have a cable that conducts this electric current. The worthiness is the cable. Depending on our level of worthiness will depend on how much power we will recieve. We could have a lot of faith but if we aren´t worthy it´s not going to be a lot. But if we are worthy but don´t have faith the power isn´t there. So we need to be worthy and excercise our faith that we can recieve these blessings at the maximum level and be instruments in the hands of God. I love you all and I know that the church is true. I know that God wants us moving and moving uphill is how this life will feel. But if we keep going we are improving. Even though we might be filled with mistakes. An apostle said that we can "reclaim" all our sins just like a junkyard is reclaimed to make a park where families can go to enjoy an evening. I know this to be true and I also know that God is ever patient to help us in our problems. He will never take them away but in his own timing he will show us the strength that we now have and what we have accomplished with his help.

Foto de la zona de Atlacomulco durante la gira misional con Elder Nash

We helped out one of our golden investigators with his creamery! It was pretty fun! :D

Mucho amor de Mexico


Email from May 25, 2015

So this week was a good one and I can´t really complain. So This week we had a Mission tour and we had it with Elder Nash! A seventy so we were really blessed to have him here in our misión. I also really appreciated the talks that he gave and the inspiration that he gave me. He gave handshakes to every missionary in this particular tour so I felt pretty special. When we were working after I was working on splits with Elder Reynoso. We worked his área until the second part of the misión tour. But when we were contacting somebody about 4 yards away a lightning bolt struck and I freaked out a Little bit because it was the first time that has every happened! This week we had a weird sun ring thing going on. And it was pretty cool to see! But the thing is there is so much spiritual darkness in Mexico that everyone well maybe not everyone but a lot of people thought it was something like the virgin . . . . it´s a ring people! But it was all good. We found a huge family this week and they are really looking good! I am really excited to teach them and to make that family eternal. The only problem is that it´s a little difficult to in the room when we want with a baby that always screams or a drunk grandpa that always walks in so we´ll see what we can do. I got a new companion and his name is Elder Espronceda and he seems ready to roll and to work hard.

This week I had the opportunity to listen to Elder Nash and to receive a Little bit of revelation and some hype. I really liked it when he said to us that he would choose some of us to read our favorite scriptures about Jesús Christ and I really liked what everyone had for their scripture. But then I realized that I didn´t really have a good scripture that was my favorite. But then I looked for one and I found one in romans that I have memorized in Spänish but you guys can look it up in English really quick but here it is in Spanish "Dificilmente alguien muere por un justo con todo osara morir por el bien, Mas Dios demuestre su amor para con nosotros en que pecadores aun Cristo morió por nosotros." It´s in Romans 5 and I really love this scripture about how much Christ and God really love us and how willing he is to do anything to get us back to the presence of our Heavenly father.

I love you guys and I hope for the best and the most wonderful week every! OF ALL TIME!


For those who don’t speak Spanish

Romans 5:7-8
7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.
8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Email from May 19, 2015

Well this week was a good one and I can´t really complain but the fact that not a whole bunch of people went to church made me a little. . . . . . frustrated. I tend to be a little gullible and I tend to believe everyone. That´s hurting me a little here. Here in mexico lying is a . . . . . Talent that everyone seems to have. When they say I´ll go by myself or I´ll be here tomorrow morning. They won´t go and they won´t be there. It´s a little hard at times but we work it out. So us as missionaries need to go for every single investigator and bring them to church . . . . That was something that I didn´t expect to do coming here but I have to do it. This upcoming week we have a baptism planned for angel. And he was a present from the Hermanas. So he has a work that is a little intense and he can´t leave at all in the morning and so he´ll be getting baptized in our ward where he can go. Also we have found 2 familias that are 6 persons each. I am really looking forward to see what they can learn and do this upcoming week. This last sunday they were. . . . busy and couldn´t go to church but I am making it a point and bringing them to church seeing them in white and a year later getting sealed as a family. It´s a goal of mine and also of my companion. So this week we had interchanges with the zone leaders and I got put with a riverton guy. . . . It was awesome. I love that guy! he´s so funny :D. also I got to play basketball. . . . . and I schooled everyone ;) and more than that I had a lot of fun :) It rained all week long. . . . and it rained HARD every single day this week! It was refreshing and some days a little humid.I saw the funniest bumper sticker of all time. But I´m still debating whether I should put it down or not due to you guys might die of laughing. . . . I´ll save it for later.

 So this week I have been reading in the chapter of Romans in the bible. I thought since I haven´t read the new testament all the way through I might as well start. I am reading in chapter 8 and it has a lot of stuff having to do with "being carnally minded is death and to be spiritually minded is life" kind of stuff but at the very end of the chapter is my favorite part. It talks about how afflictions and tribulations can´t seperate us from God´s love. And then right after it says that nor life nor death, nor anything above or below the heaveans can seperate us from being loved by God. I really enjoyed reading this. I know that there is nothing that anyone can do that can seperate us from the love of God. I also know that he is always ready to recieve us with open arms all we need to do is go unto him. I have felt his love and I never want to leave it. There are too many blessings and too many things to share with other people than leave. I love you all so much and I wish you all a good one :D


Email from May 12, 2015

So this week was. . . . . . A week. Mexico is really big on mother´s day and trying to get people to go to church was a little bit of a difficulty. And then you had that normal catholic mom that told us her son wasn´t there after we saw him go in his house but what´re going to do. We´ll see what we can do with that lady -_-. Next week should be a really successful one and we should find and get a lot more people in church this upcoming week. So this week we had rain every single day this week. Well it would be super hot all day in the morning and then all of a sudden rain clouds would roll in and pour! And that happened every single day of the week. . . . . I can´t complain at all. It felt nice to have some cold water and well. . . rain. I saw one of the funniest things I have ever seen in my entire life. . . . well ok it´s really hard to beat grandpa with a fish hat but it gets close. On the side of a van it said "London cleaning service" and right below it "Bloody good cleaning service" I have no idea why london is here cleaning up mexico but if they´re doing good stuff then I can´t say no.

My sweet new Mexican tie.

This week was so much better but at the same time very difficult to handle. We had so many people that could have gone to church but didn´t go. But next week should be a good one with all the possible people we could bring. This week was a little hard and very strengthening. I was able to see things in my own person and also lots of things to improve on. Sometimes we have a huge list of things we need to improve on and it never seems to end. But that´s the thing that is the reason why we have this life. Is to slowly one by one check off every single thing on that list so that we can become perfect like our Father in heaven. I testify of this and some parts of the list are harder than others and others have sub problems and consiquences but without those consiquences we wouldn´t realize what we need to do.

My Zone

I love you all and I hope the best week for you guys :D


Email from May 5, 2015

So this week I learned quite a bit! A little interesting but pretty good stuff. This week we had a meeting for all the district leaders and it was pretty dad gum awesome. I really enjoyed the learning and the fact that I learned how to make a swan out of an apple. I am enjoying mexico right now. . . . . Because it´s not that hot now it´s raining all the time. And. . . . I . . . . Love it. I was asked to give a blessing to one hermana in my district and she said that spanish or english would be good but asked for english. . . . I couldn´t do it. It was SO HARD. All I talk is Spanish and that´s it! Like what in the world. I have a warning that I probably won´t be able to speak english when I get back home but it´ll all come in time. . . . . I hope.

I can´t really remember what happened this week besides the fact that we worked hard and got everything done we needed done. But I have a pretty good spiritual thought this week. So I was reading in Hechos . . . . . Acts sorry. But in there it says a story about Paul. He was jailed and was being accused and beaten. He was then shown a dream that God needed his testimony in Rome. I was thinking that God was going to open all the doors and let him go free. But that is not what happened! There was a group of people that weren´t going to sleep or eat with him still alive. A person that was a friend of Paul let the judge know and the judge sent him to Rome. . . . . He was still in jail but he was in Rome! And it turns out that the new judge was interested in what Paul had to say. The ways of God will never be known by anyone except the prophet. All we can do is know that he has a plan and that this plan will be perfect for each and every one of us. We just have to be willing to submit to him and to answer his call to be a disciple of Christ. I know that even though I don´t know the path that God has set I just have to put my boots to the line and keep walking. I must ACT and DO in faith and know that God knows. I don´t need to know only that someone that is more perfect than me does. I testify of this. That God cares what we do and he won´t abandon us. Only we abandon him. And sometimes that feels really bad and if it didn´t we wouldn´t know that we abandoned him or we don´t need to do anything more. I love my savior. I love God and I love the plan and the love for everyone he has :D

HAVE a good week everyone

and to family I will be calling you on skype this sunday at well after 5 :D so be ready to see my beautiful face in live :D


Email from April 28, 2015

So this will be a double week report from your friendly neighborhood missionary. So this week was pretty good I´m not going to lie! We had a fun time looking around for people in the burning sun! Wow it was hot this week for some weird reason. So this past week we were walking around all normal and then we walked by a soccer court (it´s made of cement so it has to be a court) and the kids there all asked me where I was from and they all thought it was SO COOL that I was from America. It was the funniest thing because there were so many little kids gathered around me and my companion. And now every time I pass by there I find one of those kids and they always say hi. What a great missionary opportunity. This week I had my first interviews as a district leader for baptisms in the district. Really interesting stuff I almost messed it up! haha but don´t worry I fixed it. So there is a missionary mom here in my area and my companion once asked her if she felt alone. And she said that she didn´t feel alone at all! That gave me a little comfort because you guys back home don´t have to feel alone. I thought that was nice of God to give me that experience. So there was something really really really interesting that happened this week. We were walking all normal and I look to the side and up the street a little and there was a total gangsta with a rifle chillin on his shoulder . . . . . . I didn´t feel like I was going to die or anything but I sure thought HOW COOL! so normal. So this week we had a lot of oranges to eat and one that I ate had a lot of seeds and I spat out one of the seeds off to the side and it made it into a bucket. Naturally I had to say buckets.

So this week we got a baptism and I was really happy to have that blessing from God. She turned 9 the day before her baptism so that means she was a convert baptism. I am not going to complain at all. And the thing that I really enjoyed this week was even thought someone has struggles does not meant he gives up and doesn´t want to bless someone. We talked to a person this week and he mentioned that he was going to be blessed because he was a bad guy. That is so not true. God wants to bless you but when we are disobedient he can´t give us a reward. That is why he loves it when we follow the commandments. It gives him the opportunity to bless us! I keep working every day to make myself worthy of his blessings and want every day to be happy. I will someday reach the point of happiness no matter what. But when I say that I know that God would just give me a trial and then i would develop the skill. Because he wants us to work for our gifts so that we don´t forget them easily. I know that God knows what we need and how we can get it and keep it. We just need to trust him and what he´s doing so that we can grow. The greatest challenges were given to the strongest soldiers.

Hermana's Baptism

I love you all and I hope for the best week ever! just keep swimming, keep moving forward, and BRING ME THE HORIZON......... I can relax now


Email from April 21, 2015

So this week was a little frustrating and more in the fact that right now I am typing the fastest I have every typed in my entire life! all the computers here in the cyber don`t like myldsmail for some weird reason and I have something like 5 minutes to type to all of you so sorry for that but I will have a great report next week I promise!

Overall this week was good and bad. It feels good to be in a new area and working here in constituyentes. My companion and I don`t talk english at all. I don`t think I`ll get another american companion. I`m actually glad because whenever I start to speak in english it`s hard to revert back to spanish. District leader isn`t super stressful and I enjoy it a lot. I have another companion from (kwawila) I don`t know how to spell it so I`ll have it how it sounds. I`m back in my old zone and actually am really close to the area I served in. Nothing here looks the same but the amount of dogs in the street are about the same. I have seen packs of dogs and all of it is super normal.

Waiting up for ZL phone call on Pday

I love you all and I am so sorry I haven`t had any time to write but I will give you guys some homework. In Alma 27 and 28 there are some really good information that I got and will share next week. Hasta luego!